HIV/AIDS Guide for the Mining Sector

Manual or Guideline

HIV/AIDS Guide for the Mining Sector

November 30, 2004

HIV/AIDS Guide for the Mining Sector: A Resource for Developing Stakeholder Competency and Compliance in Mining Communities in Southern Africa [PDF]

264 pages | © December 2004 IFC | Complimentary


Southern Africa is particularly affected by HIV/AIDS. The disease already has a major impact in the economies in the region and especially on the mining sector, which is a key business driver.


With funding from the Canadian development agency CIDA, IFC has commissioned from Golder Associates an HIV/AIDS Resource Guide for the mining sector - a resource for developing stakeholder competency in mining communities in Southern Africa. The Guide contains 23 intervention strategies that collectively comprise a comprehensive workplace response.


The Guide is an integral tool of the "IFC Against AIDS" program, which was launched in 2000 as part of IFC's commitment to sustainable development. The program helps clients understand the multiple impacts of the disease and provides guidance for corporate HIV/AIDS Action Plans. IFC's anti-AIDS approach pays special attention to a company's specific needs and resources, as well as existing corporate experiences and good practices.


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