Governing Banks - Training Material for Bank Board Directors

Learning Material

Governing Banks - Training Material for Bank Board Directors

November 30, 2010

The Global Corporate Governance Forum released Governing Banks, a new sector-specific curriculum designed to be taught in conjunction with its Board Leadership Training Resources Toolkit.

Governing Banks is a comprehensive module on risk governance and risk management that focuses on the domain-specific expertise required of bank board directors. It drew extensively on the risk management experience of Eastern European banks and financial institutions, particularly risk governance lessons that grew out of policy responses to the global financial crisis.



Topics include:

Governance of risk management

Bank's role in the economy  

Risk and the economics of banking  

Bank regulation and oversight  

Risk management and measurement


"Our objective is to help improve bank directors' performance and thereby mitigate and prevent a future crisis like that of the past two years, in which governance failures played a key role," said Gene Spiro, a Forum senior project officer. 

"The combination of the governance content of our product and its innovative mode of delivery—using the most current adult education techniques—should serve Indonesia’s banking sector well."

In October 2010, the materials were introduced through a training-of-trainers workshop (ToT) in Indonesia, in cooperation with IFC, the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD), and Perbanas, the Indonesian bank association. The supplement-based ToTs were later  rolled out in South and East Asia, Africa, and Europe and Central Asia regions.  

The full set of materials is available only to the trainers who go through the Corporate Governance Board Leadership Training Program.